Marvellitos Tree Services, LLC

About The Business

Marvellitos Tree Services

Once a storm, hurricane or wind event has occurred, a tree expert is almost always in need. Getting rid of fallen trees or saving others is what Marvellitos Tree Services specializes in. They understand the amount of work needed after a storm including house maintenance, cleaning, and outside property and tree clean up. Marvellitos Tree Services extends their expertise to offering stump grinding and tree trimming and pruning. 

Located in Port St. Lucie, phone  (772) 203-5677, call Marvellitos Tree Services to handle all tree services. Inadequate tree care makes trees susceptible to disease and lacking in strength to survive severe weather conditions. Take a look at your trees. Signs of stress include change in leaf color, misshapen leaves, thinness of the canopy and early loss of leaves. If you’d like the professionals at Marvellitos Tree Services to assess these trees before the next storm, give them a call. It could save your home and property if you choose to remove weak trees now before the next hurricane hits.

Healthy trees can increase the value of your property, reduce heating and cooling bills, act as windbreaks and create a relaxing atmosphere. However, if they have hanging limbs or are leaning, call on the services of Marvellitos Tree Services. Hurricanes can be devastating. They can cause an enormous amount of damage to your property and are even responsible for loss of lives. A 10% discount is offered to seniors. Call (772) 203-5677 for an estimate and rid your property of weak trees before the next storm. 

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Marvellitos Tree Services, LLC

Port St. Lucie, FL

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